Lusha pricing: your options for securing a discount

What are other companies paying for a Lusha subscription?
What are other companies paying for a Lusha subscription?
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Lusha pricing: your options for securing a discount
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With data indicating that many sales reps spend less than 30% of their time actually making sales and as much as 70% on actions such as booking meetings and researching contact data, it comes as no real surprise that sales intelligence platforms such as Lusha are rising in popularity, thanks to their ability to tackle this issue by accelerating the sales workflow.While it's by no means the only tool on the market, Lusha has quickly cemented itself as one of the premier contact enrichment solutions and is now used by more than 200,000 organizations worldwide.As tempting as the platform may sound, however, as with any SaaS solution, price will likely be a key consideration.After all, with the average organization now using as many as 130 different software applications and prices increasing by an average of 12% each year, any tool that makes it into your SaaS stack needs to be purchased at the best possible price.The question is, how much does Lusha cost? And more importantly, how much of a discount could you be securing?Here’s everything you need to know about Lusha pricing.,

How much does Lusha cost?

While Lusha offers a ‘test drive’ free plan which offers a basic iteration of the platform’s full functionality, its paid plans offer a broader feature set and higher credit allowance, starting at $29 per user, per month.Unlike many SaaS vendors, Lusha is fairly transparent with its approach to pricing. That said, customers looking for an enterprise-level subscription are required to contact the sales team for a customized quote geared towards their higher-usage needs.Here’s what the Lusha pricing page tells us about the platform’s main pricing plans.,

Lusha pricing plans

Lusha pricing plans

, Each of Lusha’s subscription tiers is suited for different prospecting needs. The following plans come with a dedicated number of credits allocated per user, which are consumed each time a profile’s contact details are accessed. Credits roll over between billing cycles.FreeLusha’s Free plan offers limited prospect enrichment features, including direct phone numbers, email addresses, and access to the basic prospecting platform and Chrome extension. Free can support one user with up to five credits for profile access.ProPro is the standard tier of Lusha’s paid plans, providing an essential prospecting tool that costs $29 per user, per month when billed annually, or $39 per user, per month when paid monthly. This subscription is recommended for up to five users, with each permitted up to 40 credits to use on a monthly basis. It includes all of the features offered by Free, as well as additional tools such as list management and list export.PremiumLusha Premium is recommended for small teams of up to five users with higher usage needs. It costs $51 per user, per month on annual billing, or $69 monthly. The Premium plan offers double the credit allowance of Pro with 80 credits per user, per month, as well as additional features such as usage analytics.ScaleThe enterprise-level Scale subscription is recommended for organizations prospecting on a broader scale. For teams comprising more than five users, Lusha offers high-usage contact access, as well as additional tools such as CSV enrichment, CRM integrations, SSO, and a dedicated customer success manager. Other add-ons are also available for Scale such as intent signals and the Lusha API.As we previously mentioned, however, this enterprise equivalent plan requires you to reach out to the sales team directly for a tailored quote. While this is certainly the norm, it doesn't make it any less of a frustration. After all, not only might you not be ready to engage with sales, but without any frame of reference on what others are being quoted, it can be difficult to know if you're getting a good deal – let alone the best deal.So, is there any other way to gain some insight into what you can expect to pay?In short, yes – by finding out what other companies are actually paying.Here's how...,

How to find out what other companies pay for Lusha

When it comes to gauging how much another business is paying for Lusha, your first option is to conduct a quick internet search.For example, a simple search of Lusha enterprise pricing returned this article from RevPilots.,

Lusha enterprise pricing

, RevPilots notes that Lusha enterprise subscriptions are priced at around $95 per user, per month, on a contract that allows 2,000 credits for 10 users. Higher credit allowances, as you’d expect, incur higher fees — the article notes that for 5,000 credits per user, a company would pay around $200 per user, per month.However, while the figures you find online can provide a ballpark idea of what you should expect to pay, it’s important to take these numbers with a pinch of salt.Why?Because the information can quickly become unreliable — even if it was accurate at the time of publishing.So, what are your remaining options for getting up-to-date, accurate insights about Lusha enterprise pricing?You have one: talking to Vertice. We have an extensive database of pricing benchmarks spanning the transactional data from a global network of SaaS vendors — but we’ll come to that shortly., , , ,

Can you get a discount on Lusha pricing?

Relative to the rest of the SaaS industry, Lusha is fairly transparent with its approach to pricing. However, for paid plans and enterprise subscriptions alike, the prices you see online are rarely set in stone — which means you could be paying less than quoted.Alarmingly, our data tells us that businesses actually tend to overpay on their SaaS by an average of 26%, not just on Lusha, but across all the tools within their software stacks.So, how should you go about securing a discount?In short, with a strong software negotiation strategy. Here are some of the top tactics that we recommend.

Tips for effectively negotiating your software contracts

Commit to an extended subscription termLusha offers discounts to customers that opt to be billed annually rather than monthly, equating to a 25% total discount on the price paid for a subscription lasting 12 months. Which means that annual billing can translate to significant savings if you believe that Lusha will be a mainstay in your sales SaaS stack for the foreseeable future.What many SaaS buyers aren't aware of, however, is that it can be even more cost-effective to commit to a multi-year subscription. In fact, our data indicates that vendors offer an average additional discount of 5% for each extra year of commitment. If it's viable to do so, longer length contracts could yield significant savings across your entire SaaS stack.Research competitor comparisonsApproaching negotiations with pricing intel from your chosen vendor’s competitors is another effective way to gain leverage. For example, you may seek out quotes from Lusha alternatives such as ZoomInfo or Adapt, which could work to incentivize a better deal from Lusha.Do bear in mind though that you can negotiate with more than just price. You should also inquire about what other providers offer in terms of their maintenance, support, add-ons, notice period length, and so on. By leveraging all possible terms, you could negotiate a bespoke deal to suit your organization’s needs at a better price than you were originally offered.Leverage pricing benchmarksInsights into alternative vendors’ pricing can certainly help you to negotiate a more competitive deal from your chosen provider, but the most powerful type of leverage is intel into what other companies are paying. As we mentioned earlier, this is what you gain with Vertice’s extensive vendor database.When you have knowledge of what companies similar to your own are paying for Lusha, and the vendor’s flexibility surrounding discounts, you are better equipped to negotiate a more favorable deal. Plus, this is once again applicable to the full breadth of contract clauses that you sign on for. If Lusha has offered favorable terms to one of your peers, they could potentially extend this to your business, too.,

Secure the best possible deal with Vertice

Software procurement can be a time-consuming and costly process, especially when you consider the size of the average SaaS stack. At Vertice, we reduce this burden by procuring, managing and renewing these tools on your behalf, all the while securing you the very best deal, not only on Lusha, but on any new purchase or renewal.In fact, our team of experienced SaaS purchasers know the intricacies of the procurement process from either side of the deal, meaning we know what to look out for in software contracts and how best to negotiate terms that will best suit your requirements.Find out how we leverage pricing benchmarks to get the best possible price on any SaaS contract. Alternatively, search through our vendor database for access to exclusive pricing and discounting data for thousands of additional software providers.,

SaaS Procurement Management Platform

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