Vertice for IT & Security

Control software sprawl and ensure compliance

Get visibility into all of your software contracts, track utilization, ensure compliance and save 20-30% on your SaaS spend.

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Renewal Card
Savings Panel

Control all of your SaaS.
In one place.

Bring all of your agreements, vendor information and key contract details into one place and receive notifications on upcoming renewals.

Eliminate risk.
Ensure compliance.

Easily understand vendor risk with key legal, security & compliance information for each vendor.

Integrate everywhere.
See every tool and user.

Through integrations with your ERP and SSO, track the utilization of your licenses, be aware of overages before they occur, and identify shadow IT.

Vertice for IT & Security

Protect your team from unmanaged vendor sprawl

Defend your company from the threats posed by unwise and unsanctioned procurement

A product image of the Vertice Application Utilization monitoring cardAn illustration of users using shadow IT and causing security vulnrabilities
Dilligence Insights Tooltip
Mitigate IT vendor risk 

Control and track vendor compliance

Stick to your standard

Get insights into key legal, security and compliance information to rapidly identify non-standard terms and ensure the vendor meets your compliance standards.

Shadow IT

Gain further visibility into hidden tools that you may not be aware of to avoid duplication and compliance risk.

Automated review

Embed security and compliance reviews into every procurement workflow, without creating bottlenecks.

You're definitely paying more than you should

Let us show you the savings we can discover for you across your SaaS & cloud

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SaaS Purchasing Dashboard