
Insight on your SaaS

Know for certain the true extent and actual usage of your SaaS stack - and what it might be costing you

How It Works

Know your SaaS stack in unprecedented detail

1 in 3 SaaS user licences are not used or are a duplicate with another tool. Imagine the savings.

Link your SSO providers and social logins.
See a detailed, real-time breakdown of your SaaS utilization and spot the over-commitments, duplication and compliance risks.
Make well-informed decisions that remove cost and risk from your business.
Tool Utilization

Discover your true SaaS usage

With user-level insights, spot the over-commitment and waste in each SaaS tool's usage, and identify where you can make immediate savings.
Usage Analytics

Remove double spend

We integrate with major SSO providers and social logins to reveal the true extent of your SaaS stack, showing you where there is duplication of applications - and spend.
SaaS Pipeline Panel

Stop shadow IT and maverick spend

Remove the security and compliance risk - and budget leak - caused by unauthorized applications.
Get in Touch

See how simple procurement can be

Let us show you how to halve your procurement cycles and cut costs by 30%.

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SaaS Purchasing Dashboard