What are spot instances?
As with any cloud service provider, AWS will have spare capacity available to support surges in customer demand. To offset the loss, AWS offers this excess EC2 capacity – in other words, spot instances – at a heavily discounted rate.
To benefit from these spot instances, users must bid on this unused EC2 capacity in their desired region. The capacity is then allocated to the highest bidder. While it can be a great way to reduce costs by as much as 90%, it is only suitable for workloads that can tolerate interruptions and don’t require continuous availability. This is because AWS will terminate the instance after a two-minute notification in the event that it needs to reclaim the resources, or because the spot price exceeds the bid price. In other words, when other customers are willing to pay more.
Related Definitions
Maverick Buying
What is maverick buying?
Maverick spending, also known as rogue spending, can be defined as any purchasing that takes place within an organization, outside of an established procurement process.
In the context of SaaS, maverick spending refers to the acquisition of cloud-based software solutions that are purchased unbeknownst to the finance, IT or procurement teams, and in a way that does not comply with the organization’s formal IT procurement process — and so may not be approved, vetted, or appropriately documented.
SaaS Agreement
What is a SaaS agreement?
A SaaS agreement, or contract, details the terms of your purchase from a SaaS vendor.
Data Storage
What is meant by data storage?
In the context of cloud computing, data storage refers to the process of storing and managing digital information in either a remote server or a data center provided by a cloud service provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.
The cloud ultimately provides a versatile platform for storing various types of data, whether that be documents, media files, application data, machine learning data or structured data.
Cloud Unit Economics
What is cloud unit economics?
By definition, cloud unit economics refers to the financial analysis and evaluation of both the costs and revenue associated with operating a cloud-based business.
In other words, it’s a way of looking at how much it costs to run your business on the cloud, as well as how much it brings in.
Single-Tenancy Environment
What is a single-tenancy environment in cloud computing?
A single-tenancy environment, also known as dedicated hosting or a dedicated instance, refers to a situation where each user or tenant has their own dedicated infrastructure and resources, including servers, storage and network components. These resources aren’t shared with any other users, maximizing performance and control.
Outsourced Procurement
What is meant by outsourced SaaS procurement?
Outsourced procurement in SaaS refers to the process of hiring a third-party vendor to manage some or all aspects of a company’s procurement process. This can involve negotiating with vendors on your behalf to secure the best possible price and terms on any SaaS contract, while also refining, implementing and enforcing procurement processes that ultimately protect your business.