
SaaS Stack

What is a SaaS stack?

A SaaS stack is a collection of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and tools that are used across an organization. While the specific contents of any SaaS stack will vary depending on the nature of the business, it will typically consist of communication, collaboration, sales, marketing, HR, finance and data analytics software.

What is a SaaS stack?

A SaaS stack is a collection of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and tools that are used across an organization. While the specific contents of any SaaS stack will vary depending on the nature of the business, it will typically consist of communication, collaboration, sales, marketing, HR, finance and data analytics software.

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What are overages in SaaS?

In SaaS, overages refer to the additional costs or fees that are incurred when a user exceeds the contracted usage limits or terms of their plan. Examples of overages include user overages, storage overages, API usage overages, feature overages and support overages.

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SaaS Management

What is SaaS management?

SaaS management is the process of identifying, managing, and governing the software applications that exist within an organization’s technology portfolio.

When software goes unmanaged, it not only puts the business at risk of data breaches and security issues, but it can also lead to a substantial amount of wasted spend as a result of redundant and duplicate SaaS apps, not to mention unused licenses.

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Tail Spend

What is tail spend?

Tail spend refers to the unmanaged purchases made within an organization that fail to pass through an official procurement process. On account of their low value, the costs incurred by these purchases are seldom monitored by financing teams as they are generally too small to be deemed “strategic”. The problem, however, is that they can make up as much as 20% of a business’ total spend.

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Service Level Agreement (SLA)

What is a service level agreement in SaaS?

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a subset of a Master Service Agreement (MSA) and contains specific details about the level of service that will be provided by the SaaS vendor. This agreement will specifically define the performance metrics, responsibilities, and expectations of both parties.

An SLA is likely to include uptime guarantees, the level of support that will be provided to the customer, response times for any support requests, information on how these requests will be managed and escalated, information on how the vendor will protect the customer’s data and ensure the security of its systems and networks, as well as details on how it will compensate the customer if it fails to meet the agreed-upon service levels.

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Master Service Agreement (MSA)

What is a Master Service Agreement?

A Master Service Agreement (MSA) is a contract between two parties, in this case the software provider and the buyer, outlining the terms and conditions of the agreement. It will typically cover pricing, payment terms, service levels, intellectual property rights, confidentiality, liability, termination, and dispute resolution.

Unlike a service level agreement (SLA) which outlines the specific performance metrics and criteria for the delivery of a particular service, for example uptime guarantees and support response times, an MSA covers the broader terms of the business relationship.

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Cloud Cost Optimization

What is Cloud Cost Optimization?

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of reducing and optimizing cloud spending, while ensuring optimal resource utilization and maintaining desired performance levels. It ultimately involves managing cloud costs without compromising business objectives or user experience.

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