

Related Definitions

Cloud Instances

What is an instance in the context of cloud computing?

In cloud computing, an instance refers to a virtual server provided by a third-party cloud service, for example AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. These instances ultimately enable companies to deploy and run their applications or services in the cloud, in a scalable and flexible manner. This is because instances are on-demand and can be adjusted based on your workload requirements.

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SaaS Agreement

What is a SaaS agreement?

A SaaS agreement, or contract, details the terms of your purchase from a SaaS vendor.

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Break Clause

What is a break clause?

A break clause refers to a provision within a SaaS agreement that allows either the customer or the SaaS provider to terminate the contract before the end of the initial term. A break clause will typically set out the conditions or requirements that must be met for either party to exercise their right to terminate an agreement early. For example, a break clause can enable users to cancel their subscription if they are dissatisfied with the service.

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What is an auto-renewal clause?

Auto-renewal is a term often used in SaaS agreements referring to the automatic renewal of a user’s subscription plan at the end of their contract term. These auto-renewal clauses will automatically extend the user’s subscription for another period, typically the same duration as the initial term, unless the customer explicitly cancels or modifies their subscription by a specified date. This is often referred to as a termination window and is typically either 30, 60 or 90 days prior to the renewal date.

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What is auto-scaling?

Auto-scaling refers to the automatic adjustment of cloud computing resources based on an organization’s current demand and workload. It dynamically adjusts the allocation of resources to match the evolving requirements of an application or system without the need for manual intervention.

There are a number of benefits to using auto-scaling, the first being cost efficiency. By ensuring that resources are scaled up or down as and when needed, organizations can avoid over-provisioning and subsequently reduce unnecessary expenses. It also helps maintain consistent performance levels by automatically adding resources during peak demand periods.

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Multi-Tenancy Environment

What is a multi-tenancy environment?

In cloud computing, a multi-tenancy environment refers to a situation where multiple users, also referred to as tenants, share the same physical infrastructure and resources. These resources, such as computing power, memory and storage are dynamically allocated based on the needs of each tenant. Each tenant’s data is, however, stored in separate databases to ensure both privacy and security.

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