
Outsourced Procurement

What is meant by outsourced SaaS procurement?

Outsourced procurement in SaaS refers to the process of hiring a third-party vendor to manage some or all aspects of a company’s procurement process. This can involve negotiating with vendors on your behalf to secure the best possible price and terms on any SaaS contract, while also refining, implementing and enforcing procurement processes that ultimately protect your business.

What is meant by outsourced SaaS procurement?

Outsourced procurement in SaaS refers to the process of hiring a third-party vendor to manage some or all aspects of a company’s procurement process. This can involve negotiating with vendors on your behalf to secure the best possible price and terms on any SaaS contract, while also refining, implementing and enforcing procurement processes that ultimately protect your business.

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SaaS Agreement

What is a SaaS agreement?

A SaaS agreement, or contract, details the terms of your purchase from a SaaS vendor.

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Cloud Instances

What is an instance in the context of cloud computing?

In cloud computing, an instance refers to a virtual server provided by a third-party cloud service, for example AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. These instances ultimately enable companies to deploy and run their applications or services in the cloud, in a scalable and flexible manner. This is because instances are on-demand and can be adjusted based on your workload requirements.

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SaaS Management

What is SaaS management?

SaaS management is the process of identifying, managing, and governing the software applications that exist within an organization’s technology portfolio.

When software goes unmanaged, it not only puts the business at risk of data breaches and security issues, but it can also lead to a substantial amount of wasted spend as a result of redundant and duplicate SaaS apps, not to mention unused licenses.

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What are overages in SaaS?

In SaaS, overages refer to the additional costs or fees that are incurred when a user exceeds the contracted usage limits or terms of their plan. Examples of overages include user overages, storage overages, API usage overages, feature overages and support overages.

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Cloud Unit Economics

What is cloud unit economics?

By definition, cloud unit economics refers to the financial analysis and evaluation of both the costs and revenue associated with operating a cloud-based business.

In other words, it’s a way of looking at how much it costs to run your business on the cloud, as well as how much it brings in.

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Decentralized Procurement

What is decentralized procurement?

Decentralized purchasing in SaaS refers to the process of allowing individual departments or teams within an organization to make their own purchasing decisions for software applications. This is in contrast to a centralized purchasing model, where all purchasing decisions are approved by a single procurement team or a department such as finance.
While a decentralized purchasing model can provide teams with the flexibility to select and purchase the tools that best meet their needs, without having to wait for approvals or navigate bureaucratic purchasing processes, it can create challenges for the company. This can include reduced buying power, higher costs, lack of control over vendor relationships, and increased compliance and legal risks.

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