

Related Definitions

Enterprise License Agreement (ELA)

What is an ELA?

An Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) is a contract between a software vendor and an enterprise customer that sets out the terms and conditions for the licensing of software products across an enterprise. Unlike a Master License Agreement (MLA) which is a more comprehensive business agreement that can cover a range of products and services, an ELA is often used for specific software products.

While the specific terms and conditions of an ELA can vary, it will typically outline the number and type of licenses covered under the agreement, restrictions or limitation on usage, the duration of the agreement, the fees associated with the license, renewal terms and termination clauses.

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Outsourced Procurement

What is meant by outsourced SaaS procurement?

Outsourced procurement in SaaS refers to the process of hiring a third-party vendor to manage some or all aspects of a company’s procurement process. This can involve negotiating with vendors on your behalf to secure the best possible price and terms on any SaaS contract, while also refining, implementing and enforcing procurement processes that ultimately protect your business.

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Decentralized Procurement

What is decentralized procurement?

Decentralized purchasing in SaaS refers to the process of allowing individual departments or teams within an organization to make their own purchasing decisions for software applications. This is in contrast to a centralized purchasing model, where all purchasing decisions are approved by a single procurement team or a department such as finance.
While a decentralized purchasing model can provide teams with the flexibility to select and purchase the tools that best meet their needs, without having to wait for approvals or navigate bureaucratic purchasing processes, it can create challenges for the company. This can include reduced buying power, higher costs, lack of control over vendor relationships, and increased compliance and legal risks.

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Data Storage

What is meant by data storage?

In the context of cloud computing, data storage refers to the process of storing and managing digital information in either a remote server or a data center provided by a cloud service provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

The cloud ultimately provides a versatile platform for storing various types of data, whether that be documents, media files, application data, machine learning data or structured data.

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Reduction Clause

What is a reduction clause?

A reduction clause refers to a provision in a software agreement that allows customers to reduce the number of licenses or users covered by their subscription during the term of an agreement. This provides customers with flexibility to adjust their plan to meet evolving business needs, while avoiding paying for licenses or users they no longer require or needing to terminate the contract. The specific terms and requirements of a reduction clause may vary depending on the SaaS provider and the subscription agreement, for example it may be subject to a minimum number of licenses or users.

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Centralized Procurement

What is centralized procurement in SaaS?

Centralized SaaS procurement is a model in which all software purchasing decisions are made or approved by a single department, often either IT, procurement or finance. By having a streamlined process for purchasing and renewing software solutions, organizations can ensure they have total visibility of their SaaS apps, prevent wasted spend and maximize purchasing power.

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