

Related Definitions

Cloud Cost Optimization

What is Cloud Cost Optimization?

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of reducing and optimizing cloud spending, while ensuring optimal resource utilization and maintaining desired performance levels. It ultimately involves managing cloud costs without compromising business objectives or user experience.

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Centralized Procurement

What is centralized procurement in SaaS?

Centralized SaaS procurement is a model in which all software purchasing decisions are made or approved by a single department, often either IT, procurement or finance. By having a streamlined process for purchasing and renewing software solutions, organizations can ensure they have total visibility of their SaaS apps, prevent wasted spend and maximize purchasing power.

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Reserved Instances

What are reserved instances?

Reserved Instances (RIs) are a pricing and capacity reservation offering provided by AWS for their EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and RDS (Relational Database Service) services.

They specifically allow users to commit to using a specific instance type in the same region for either a one or three-year term, in exchange for discounts of up to 72% – the exact discount is ultimately dependent on the commitment term, instance type, availability zone and region.

There are various types of Reserved Instances available, each with different terms and levels of flexibility. Standard Reserved Instances provide the highest cost savings but are the least flexible, whereas Convertible Reserved Instances offer more flexibility by allowing you to change instance families within the same instance type.

In contrast, Scheduled Reserved Instances offer a lower discount, but allow you to reserve capacity for specific time windows, such as business hours or weekends, providing cost savings for predictable workloads.

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Price Uplifts

What are price uplifts?

In the context of SaaS, price uplifts refer to an increase in the price of a software subscription. While many software providers will implement price uplifts on an annual basis, typically at the point of renewal, others may review and amend their pricing more frequently, for example on a quarterly basis. It is recommended that buyers negotiate a price uplift cap during the initial contract negotiation stage, placing a limit on the maximum amount the subscription can be increased by within a specified time period.

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Master Service Agreement (MSA)

What is a Master Service Agreement?

A Master Service Agreement (MSA) is a contract between two parties, in this case the software provider and the buyer, outlining the terms and conditions of the agreement. It will typically cover pricing, payment terms, service levels, intellectual property rights, confidentiality, liability, termination, and dispute resolution.

Unlike a service level agreement (SLA) which outlines the specific performance metrics and criteria for the delivery of a particular service, for example uptime guarantees and support response times, an MSA covers the broader terms of the business relationship.

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Pricing Benchmarks

What are pricing benchmarks?

In SaaS, price benchmarking often refers to the process of comparing the cost of software to that of an alternative provider. Using this insight, buyers may be able to leverage a more favorable counteroffer from their vendor of choice. The most effective approach to benchmarking prices and securing the best possible deal on any subscription, however, is to find out what other similar companies are actually paying for the software.

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