
Cloud Cost Optimization

What is Cloud Cost Optimization?

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of reducing and optimizing cloud spending, while ensuring optimal resource utilization and maintaining desired performance levels. It ultimately involves managing cloud costs without compromising business objectives or user experience.

What is Cloud Cost Optimization?

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of reducing and optimizing cloud spending, while ensuring optimal resource utilization and maintaining desired performance levels. It ultimately involves managing cloud costs without compromising business objectives or user experience.

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What is an auto-renewal clause?

Auto-renewal is a term often used in SaaS agreements referring to the automatic renewal of a user’s subscription plan at the end of their contract term. These auto-renewal clauses will automatically extend the user’s subscription for another period, typically the same duration as the initial term, unless the customer explicitly cancels or modifies their subscription by a specified date. This is often referred to as a termination window and is typically either 30, 60 or 90 days prior to the renewal date.

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SaaS Sprawl

What is SaaS sprawl?

SaaS sprawl, also known as software sprawl, occurs when an organization’s SaaS stack consists of a large — and often unmanageable — number of applications.

Ultimately, as business needs grow, the number of digital tools required increases, which leads to new applications being subscribed to, be this through a centralized process or at the will of individual employees.

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SaaS Management

What is SaaS management?

SaaS management is the process of identifying, managing, and governing the software applications that exist within an organization’s technology portfolio.

When software goes unmanaged, it not only puts the business at risk of data breaches and security issues, but it can also lead to a substantial amount of wasted spend as a result of redundant and duplicate SaaS apps, not to mention unused licenses.

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Price Uplifts

What are price uplifts?

In the context of SaaS, price uplifts refer to an increase in the price of a software subscription. While many software providers will implement price uplifts on an annual basis, typically at the point of renewal, others may review and amend their pricing more frequently, for example on a quarterly basis. It is recommended that buyers negotiate a price uplift cap during the initial contract negotiation stage, placing a limit on the maximum amount the subscription can be increased by within a specified time period.

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Maverick Buying

What is maverick buying?

Maverick spending, also known as rogue spending, can be defined as any purchasing that takes place within an organization, outside of an established procurement process.

In the context of SaaS, maverick spending refers to the acquisition of cloud-based software solutions that are purchased unbeknownst to the finance, IT or procurement teams, and in a way that does not comply with the organization’s formal IT procurement process — and so may not be approved, vetted, or appropriately documented.

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SaaS Stack

What is a SaaS stack?

A SaaS stack is a collection of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and tools that are used across an organization. While the specific contents of any SaaS stack will vary depending on the nature of the business, it will typically consist of communication, collaboration, sales, marketing, HR, finance and data analytics software.

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