Vendr vs. Vertice

Meet Vertice.

The market’s alternative to Vendr.

G2 users say so, Independent industry analysts like Lionfish Tech Advisors agree, and of course, so do our customers!
G2 users say so
Independent industry analysts like Lionfish Tech Advisors agree
And of course, so do our customers
Find out why
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What You Get

Total visibility of your SaaS spend and usage, with a team of buyers to right-size every contract for the best possible prices. And loved by G2 users.

Contract Management
Managing the terms, price and renewals of SaaS contracts.
G2 Gradient Background
Quality of recommendations on maximizing your SaaS tools
G2 Gradient Background
Creates reports outlining application utilization, cost, or stack overlap.
G2 Gradient Background
The Vertice Difference

Why finance leaders at unicorns, enterprises and scale-ups choose Vertice over Vendr

SaaS renewals calendar
Purchasing request intake forms
Basic approval workflows
Custom negotiations with 25-30% average discount
Unlimited SaaS contract insights
Unlimited vendor benchmarking
Integrations with messaging apps, project management and ERPs
Secure SSO integrations
Dedicated 1-1 expert buyer who knows your business and priorities
Custom advanced workflows
SaaS usage analytics to identify redundant spend
Savings guarantee
Cloud Cost Optimization
Reseller agreements with vendors that cap possible discounts
Added hidden cost
Added hidden cost
Added hidden cost
Added hidden cost
Our Platform

Keep all your SaaS and cloud spend in one place

100% independent

Vertice treats every negotiation as unique, and has no commercial relationships with any vendors — meaning our savings are not restricted to pre-agreed reseller discounts.

Single points of contact

Rather than continually briefing and re-briefing a carousel of multiple buyers, build a relationship with a single expert, hand-picked for their experience with your market and suppliers.

Guaranteed savings

We charge a flat fee – with no hidden extras – based on your annual SaaS spend. And with money-back guarantees based on agreed target savings.

Another reason Vertice is better?

We guarantee our savings.

Unlock the Vertice savings guarantee today.

Start Saving
Spend under management
Average Savings
90 Days
Typical Payback Period
Get in Touch

Get savings you never knew were possible

Let us show you the savings we can discover for you across your entire SaaS stack

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